Monday, March 21, 2011

I write because i care..

Assalamualikum everyone.. for this entry i would like to share a Malay poem showing some concern to the nature.. simple and i bet u will just understand the meaning by the first hit.. so here it is..


Hijaumu menenangkan jiwa,
Mendamaikan perasaan,
Menghiasi alam pemandangan,
Mengkhayalkan setiap pemikiran.

Oksigenmu disedut,
Tapi kau tak pernah kedekut,
Terus berbakti,
Mengabdikan diri,
Pada manusia yang lupa budi...

Tapi sayangnya,
Semua kehijauan digondolkan,
Demi arus komodenan,
Sang cangkerik berteriakan,
Dek manusia hilang pedoman.

Musnahlah penghias alam,
Hancurlah gedung ilmuwan,
Ranaplah setiap simpanan,
Berakhirlah segala pengharapan,
Dan terus hampa,
Meniti hari-hari kecewa.

Till we meet again.. Assalamualaikum. -Look at the elephant's face-

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hey You....

Assalamualikum everyone!!! i think it has been quite long after the last poem.. for this entry i would like to share a simple lovey 'dovey' poem and nothing much to say for this entry but i hope u will like this :) - I wrote this while waiting for the lecturer to come in the class.. -

Every time you came to me,
My heart beats actively,
I get a tremendous nervous,
and I try to look serious,
Not to smile,
Which obviously a lie,
You touched me on the shoulder,
and I felt a silent thunder,
Strike across heart,
Melt in the name of pride,
The scent of your linger,
The move of your finger,
I hold them tightly in the shadow,
imagine u n me in the meadow.. :)

Till we meet again.. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Changes in Middle East..

Assamualaikum everyone.. for this entry i would like to express my thought about the changes that happened in Middle East.. it is one of my assignment for Critical Appreciation class and i decided to share it here. i wrote this two days ago and i somehow feel that there's something lacking with this.. i don't know.. may be because its a bit emotionless or may be its too stiff or may be because what had happened was too much that i feel it hard to put it in words.. so here it is..

The smell of corruption interrupt the nation,
The scent of delusion disturb the mission,
It occurs abruptly,
It destroy tremendously,
People take the street to emulate,
The social network to demonstrate,
The evidence of democracy, that is too fake;
The dramatic illusion of wisdom,
Behave in a way of terrorism,
Whisper in the ear of victim,
Who failed to digest the conspiracy,
Every effort turn to a letharghic sigh,
in the condition of an effortless plight,
An air of changes fly across cloud,
Arabian celebrates on what should be proud,
From Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and Libya,
They started the mission over the year,
The leader fulfill his selfish desire,
He neglected his own empire,
Hand in hand the nation speaks,
They use the highest pitch,
and everything is on the peak...
The clock is now ticking away,
It is succinct that the leader make his way,
The changes should now smell fresh,
The changes should never crash..

see.. i told u.. something is lacking.. hmm what say u?

Till we meet again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fragmen Sempit

Assamualaikum everyone.. Its 3a.m in the morning and i am still awake! :) ok for this entry, this poem was written by me when i was in my 3rd semester, taking penglahiran bakat kreatif as the elective subject with famous Dr Lim Swee Tin.. and this one the theme is about...... ok i cant really remember but if im not mistaken.. its about..your view of things or people around u.. so i choose to write about an old beggar.. i hope u will like this!

Fragmen Sempit

Di lorong sempit kelam,
Duduk si pengemis tua mengenang,
Hari-hari semalam,
Hari-hari mendatang,
Kusut rambut bak kelat hidupnya,
Carik baju bak pahit jiwanya,
Terkadang dia senyum kepuasan,
Terkadang dia termenung kesepian,
Pagi esok tak tentu lagi halanya,
Ke hadapan kedai,
Ke atas jambatan,
Ke Chowkitroad atau Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Dia tak dapat pastikan,
Pemimpin hebat berlalu pergi,
Sekupang dua tak pernah diberi,
Berlari mengejar masa,
Demi kelazatan kemewahan,
Demi kebahagiaan keduniaan,
Dia tak pernah mengharap,
Cuma meminta perut untuk disuap,
Untuk meneruskan sisa senja,
Untuk hadapi malam bakal tiba,
Urat-urat tangan kian kelihatan,
Rambut putih tak dapat disembunyikan,
Hayatnya mungkin tak lama pergi,
Hati sudah puas menangis,
Keringat sudah puas menitis,
Tulang sudah puas merintih,
Kaki mula merajuk,
Tangan mula menjerit,
Seiring nyawa melangkah hujung,
Senafas nyawa menghanyut usia…

Personally i think this one sounds a bit weird here n there.. i dont know.. may be because of the word choice is not that good.. but its ok.. at least i know that i try.. what say u?
Till we meet again!
Happy reading and Assalamualaikum!! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tatkala kau sibuk bicara..

Assalamualaikum everyone!!! i think it has been quite long since the last poem so today i decided to post something that i wrote almost a week ago.. it's about something that is very soulful to me.. i mean i write it because this is what i feel every time i heard people with power or even without the power talk about the day of hereafter.. and i choose to write it in Malay! simply because i would like to show an attempt that i can write in both languages.. but this one... i just give it a try.. 'i said.. in Malay? why not? :)

Kita sibuk bicara,
Esok bakal datangnya kiamat,
Kita sibuk bicara,
Hal kiamat makin dekat,
Si durjana terus bermaharajalela,
Terus menumpahkan darah panglima,
Satu persatu dirasuk hiba,
Satu persatu hilang erti bahagia...
Tanda pengakhiran itu kian jelas,
Hidup ini tak boleh lagi bebas,
Kita sedar kuasanya,
Kita sibuk bicara,
Kita canang ketakutannya,
Namun dimana kita,
Dimana iman kita,
Dimana nilai kita,
Tatkala dunia makin tua,
Tatkala dunia penuh sengketa,
Aku tahu kau kenal Makrifat Allah,
Aku sedar kau mengerti segalanya,
Tapi dimana kau...
Tatkala kau sibuk bicara,
Ku tak mahu kau tergamam,
Kau tak pinta kau kesali semalam,
Tatkala kau sibuk bicara,
Ku harapkan kau tepuk dada,
Tanyakan dimana iman....

Nothing much to say.. i hope you read this.. for me, it was a nice one... and... what say u? 

Happy Reading!
Till we meet again!!
Assalamualaikum.. :)